Saturday, February 22, 2020

List a phobia and explain the systematic desensitization of a phobia Essay

List a phobia and explain the systematic desensitization of a phobia - Essay Example ty disorders, and consists of teaching those who suffer from it coping strategies, establishing a hierarchy of stimuli that cause the phobic fear and then progressively and gradually exposing them to the thing they fear (Wikipedia, n.d; Rainey, 1997). When people suffer from irrational fear such as height, they tend to avoid the thing they fear. Since theyre avoiding it, their anxiety level reduces and the reduction of the fear is reinforced by negative reinforcements. Instead of this, the systematic desensitization first teaches how to reduce the levels of anxiety and fear by cognitive strategies that help control the fear rather than letting it build up inside until it becomes unbearable. These strategies can be meditation, thinking happy thoughts, concentrating on breathing and more. Having been taught how to relax and reduce their anxiety, the phobic person will be exposed to the object of his fear gradually, by first being able to talk about it, then seeing a picture illustrating the situation or thing he fear, then experiencing something similar, and finally by experiencing it. One common fear is the fear of flying. Many people think it is extremely dangerous to fly airplanes since it is high in the air and the plane can crash. These people view the experience of flying as terrifying and something which they can never do, seeing as how it completely paralyzes them. Accordingly with the systematic desensitization, the therapist will first teach the patient different ways to relax, like the ones previously mentioned. Relaxation is very important when discussing this fear, because unlike other fears from animals or other objects, flying a plane can last hours, and in this case, it is crucial to be able to fully relax. Then, having established the stimuli which cause the phobic episodes, the therapist will start with the least anxiety-provoking stimulus and gradually move on to the next one, until all of the items listed on the anxiety hierarchy have been

Thursday, February 6, 2020

What Role do Women play in the Novel catch 22 by Joseph Heller Essay

What Role do Women play in the Novel catch 22 by Joseph Heller - Essay Example As the same event is often described by different viewpoints, repetition in the novel is an understood phenomenon. However, with the repetition, the writer also allows the reader to understand the characters in a better way. The novel moves ahead with stories at a very fast pace all the time presenting interesting insights into how the characters react to given situations. Just like differing and opposing characters, the situations described in the novel are shared between amusing absurdities and freighting reality. One of those frightful realities is the depiction of women since it is not exactly a flattering image which is given to the reader. Even though the characters played by women are in a minority, they are not exactly powerful and as a matter of fact they are little more than objects for Yossarian and his buddies. As secondary characters in the story, the women influence plot lines and sometimes are a cause for distress to the cast of male characters but they seldom influence the overall feeling of hopelessness and despair present in the novel. Of the female characters, three stand out as prime examples of the situation described above i.e. Nately’s whore, Dreedle’s assistant and Luciana, not because they play significant parts in the storyline of the hero but because they help in bringing about a better understanding of the characters of the men involved in the story. Throughout the novel, women such as General Dreedles assistant, Natelys whore, Luciana etc., give insight on the men who interact with them. Women also figure in secondary roles such as sex workers and rape victims since the times of prolonged war and the devastating effects of World War II certainly reduced the means by which women could make a living and the crimes of war were certainly increased. Morality appears to be a luxury that none of the characters could afford to have. The prostitutes in the story are little more